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European Federation of Data Driven Innovation Hubs

aims to consolidate as the European reference for data driven innovation and experimentation, fostering collaboration between data driven initiatives in Europe, federating solutions in a global common catalogue of data services, and sharing data in a cross-border and cross-sector basis.

Software for Text Offenses Prevention in Serbian: Al-driven Hate Speech Detection (STOP)

The result of the researchers' collaboration will be a new software system that will detect hate speech in the Serbian language and will be of great importance in prevention of digital violence in Serbia.

Comercial project 1


Retraining in the IT sector

Training in the retraining program for IT is designed with the aim of quickly contributing to the supply of talent on the labor market.


The EuroCC project will build a sustainable and globally competitive European HPC ecosystem.

Advancing Novel Textual Similarity-based Solutions in Software Development

The result of close cooperation between researchers from seemingly distant scientific fields will be a new system which will facilitate the work of software engineers, as well as linguists who study the Serbian language.

Comercial project 2


Software engineering and new technologies in computing (SINTRA)

Improve practical teaching in a larger number of Bachelor studies courses.

Open Information Extraction for Slovene and Serbian Languages

During the project, lexical-syntactic limitations for open extraction of information in Slovenian and Serbian languages were investigated and proposed. Open Information Extraction (Open IE) was introduced in 2007 to avoid using manually labeled training examples and exploiting domain-specific verbs and nouns to develop non-lexicalized, domain-independent extractors that can be extended to the web corpus. Therefore, the goal of Open IE is to extract triples in the form of subject, predicate, and object.

Intelligent information retrieval based on ontologies

Research in the field of algorithms and implementation of functional software systems for simulating intelligent information retrieval.

Modeling errors in DNA storage using machine learning techniques (MEDSMALT)

Cooperation with School of Computing, National University of Singapore

Comercial project 3


Improvement of the courses of intelligent processing of large data sets within the Master's module of Software Engineering

Improve practical teaching in a larger number of MSc studies courses.

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